Dove Sono Finiti Tutti quei “Maiali Capitalisti”?
E’ una storia che si ripete nei secoli, c’è il ricco ed il povero, la differenza rispetto un tempo è che in passato il denaro si conquistava su campo, mentre oggi si svolge tutto dietro le quinte e questo rende…
Hey Idiot Wake up Here is the Problem Where you Look !
And now listen to me I have something to tell you, surely someone will not be very happy with what I say, but honestly I don’t care at this moment.Dear idiots you have long forgotten to think for yourselves, you…
We have all been Deceived in a Great Way
Mine is an age that puts me in a position to see things in a detached way, that’s how life is, you are born an arsonist and you end up becoming a fireman. That there are many things that do…
Wasn’t Climate Modification a Crazy Conspiracy Theory?
Do you remember when every time you entered google and every time you typed in Weather modification or chemtrails they directed you to the hoax section on the net? Ahh what a time, I almost regret them, if only because…