IL Lato Oscuro e Criminale di Chi Spinge Pesantemente l’Idea dell’Immunità di Gregge per Covid
Abbiamo voluto porre alla vostra attenzione un mantra come ”l’Immunità di Gregge” che per mesi ha monopolizzato ogni organo di informazione di tutto il mondo e mettere in evidenza quanto già si sapeva dal momento in cui hanno inoculato i…
Imperdibile: Documento Diventato Virale in Tutto il Mondo ”Scritto con lo Psendonimo di Spartacus” Sulla Pandemia del Covid
Quello che avrete modo di leggere e’ un autentico capolavoro dell’informazione, scritto da una persona anomima che si fa chiamare Spartacus. La rapida diffusione in rete di questo articolo gia visto da milioni di persone, ha la sua radice nel…
La Peste dei Bugiardi: Il Codice di Norimberga Proibisce le Procedure Mediche Forzate, Comprese le Vaccinazioni Obbligatorie
Coloro che frequentano giornalmente Toba60 sanno molto bene come funzionano le cose nel mondo in questo momento, ma vorrei sottolineare un aspetto che non va trascurato in un ambito molto delicato come quello in cui stiamo vivendo. Come ho già…
What the Mainstream Media didn’t tell you About Pfizer Vaccine Approval
In the light of what is happening the greatest danger is not the virus but the media that establish at all times how to die without putting their hands to arms.The most absurd laws of the world seem to come…
Frode CDC ! Le Nuove Prove sui Test PCR Sono Inaudite ”Ora Basta!”
Come già detto in precedenza non passa giorno che non si vengano a conoscenza di fatti che sono al limite dell’assurdo. Siamo all’apoteosi della follia pura e tutto questo nell’indifferenza generale di troppa gente la quale dipende in tutto e…
Have you had the Vaccine? No Problem There is Already someone who has a Remedy For you
I leave the house and meet a friend who asks me the usual ritual question that is imposed by Big Brother to sympathize with people and asks me if I have had the Vaccine. He chose the right person, and…
GMO Vaccine COVID and GMO crops What you Haven’t Figured out Yet
The perception of what’s going on always appears to be univocal, and that’s what those who dictate the rules of the game leverage on. Nothing ever happens by chance and everything is always connected.You turn on the television and see…
Studio London School: La “Terza Ondata” di Malattia e Morte Incline a Colpire le Persone Completamente Vaccinate
Qualcuno può pensare che un artitolo come questo possa apparire una manifestazione di terrorismo mediatico, come quelli che gli organi mainstream propongono ogni giorno. Prima di tutto abbiate sempre l’accortezza di verificarne le fonti e all’interno del servizio in questione…
They Already knew All We are not in a “Pandemic”, but in a Perennial “Propaganda”
Tell the truth, but aren’t you tired of being made fun of every day by people who have always done their best to tell nothing but lies and pass them off as absolute truths? Come on a little seriousness’ please,…
We have all been Deceived in a Great Way
Mine is an age that puts me in a position to see things in a detached way, that’s how life is, you are born an arsonist and you end up becoming a fireman. That there are many things that do…
The World invaded by an Epidemic of PCR Lies
Tell the truth, but are you still not tired of being made fun of by that 1% of the population convinced that they can do whatever they want without anyone doing anything? I say that 99% are doing a lot…
Vaccines: 501 Deaths + 10,748 other Injuries reported last CDC Data Show
Everything was already foreseen except that the masses let themselves be hypnotized by the Pied Piper who induced them to do the stupidest things in the world. Now we are at the end of the line and the logical consequence…
Flying by Plane at the Time of the Covid, Today the Comic but it’s All True.
It is life, there are those who are an idiot and those who train intensely to become one, never as in this moment has a virus set in motion all the stupidity of man that cancels in one stroke his…
Whith Heroic Courage Two Doctors Reveal the Coronian Conspiracy
Another example of how much the international community is playing with the coronavirus epidemic is the two American doctors who, after carefully studying our phenomenon, present their truly astonishing conclusions. Working hard, these two doctors, Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi,…
Big Tech and Big Pharma Merge Big Brother is Now
As pandemic countermeasures obliterate the middle class and civil rights, Silicon Valley’s billionaire robber barons are cashing in on the global economic collapse and the rise of the surveillance state. Now, one of these tech titans — a man with…
World-Renowned Virologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson claims covid-19 Pandemic is a Global Scam
It is time to put an end to all the discussions concerning covid-19 as a global pandemic that is destroying 0.001% of the planet. Only 50 years of hunger and poverty have caused one death every 3 seconds in the…
David Icke Covid-19 Interview Immediately Removed From YouTube
20 years ago when I first came to know David Icke through his books I was very perplexed, it was like seeing a parallel world I knew nothing about, now after years I realize that reality has surpassed fantasy. ……..
Medical Weapons for Mass Extermination
After a hundred years of intense propaganda promoting the idea that diseases are everywhere, and each disease is caused by a single germ, which must be killed by a medical drug… The fallout has been extreme, to say the least….
2020: The year in which we Said Goodbye to Freedom
“The people are unaware. They’re not educated to realize that they have power. The system is so geared that everyone believes the government will fix everything. We are the government.”—John Lennon No doubt about it: 2020—a terrible, horrible, no good,…
The Top 5 Most-Suppressed News Stories Of 2020
Back in the day, when I was managing editor at the Daily Inter Lake in Kalispell, Mont. I enjoyed the end-of-year ritual of voting in the Associated Press’s poll of the Top 10 news stories. When I started participating in…
Does the COVID Vaccine Hurt You? Your Problem!
As TFTP reported this week, in a historical move, marking the fastest ever approved vaccine in history, it took the US government less time to approve a COVID-19 vaccine than it did for them to approve $600 checks for starving…