Our Staff consults every day thousands of articles and documents found from all over the world, trespassing from the net to the DeepWeb.
The difficult thing in this moment for us is not to look for the truth but to make it known.
We are a point of reference all over the world but what more than anything else we wonder now we of Toba60 is ……..
For whom?
‘The Father of the Coronavirus Virus is the CDC’, Planted in China by the C.I.A.

Do you wonder how this virus jumped over from China to the USA in no time?
While researching the online archives we found a hard truth: The father of this Virus is the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
The virus didn’t originate in China but it is a C.I.A. gift to China to bring it in line to cough up the much needed funds the USA, Inc. needs to avoid bankruptcy on January 31st 2020.
For all those with IQ’s lower than a gold fish the added bonus is that they will have the opportunity to take advantage of the soon coming Free mass vaccinations for all! Yeah!

Alas the Deep State / US government, Inc. will soon have the FREE inoculation we all need to stay alive!
In the below patent you’ll find 72 pages of truth so you can be the judge of this terrible “sudden unknown outbreak”
Pease read the patent on the link below first, then download it and share this article far and wide before the DEEP STATE AGENTS delete it. Stay wise and healthy!
Edward Morgan
Source: prepareforchange.net
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